December 5, 2008

fair enough

Shenanigans in small towns include parades. I've been meaning to show you these photos of a parade that The Small Town had at the end of October.

High school marching bands.

The Small Town really is a small town, but you'd never know it during this celebration.

Even doggies need a break every now and then. It's tiring having to avoid all those feet!

Political promotions.

Stand proud for The Stars and Stripes.

Even small towns have beauty pageants.

Love these vintage vehicles. Classy.

The usual suspects. Clowns, tractors and marching bands. Something for everyone.

This one's for you, Brother-In-Law-O'-Mine.

Stunt riders.

The end.


  1. Your photos are very much like our own small town parade. We have a great big Stampede every year (one of the biggest in Canada) and every year there are vintage cars, floats, and of course cowboys and cowgirls riding their horses!

